Tuesday, October 1, 2013

World Wide Web

What does the future of the World Wide Web look like?  What is 'the Cloud'?

What the furure of world wide web will look like according to the article, "Google's New Director of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, Is Building your 'Cybernetic Friend" is kind of scary but easier in my opinion. It's scary because know whatever you look at research or just search is being recorded. Invading peoples privacy in some way, but I believe it's also going to be a lot easier to search what your interested in because it will automatic know what type of person you are, base on what you have search in the past. This will just help us learn and read what we are interested when presented to us in our computers without having the trouble of searching for it by yourself.
  Cloud is when you run a network or a program on many computer at the same time rather than just having to run a network or program on one computer all the time. Back in the reading " cloud computing", they talk on how back in the 80's a person could have installed anything they wanted on their computer and would have to upgrade all the time when new installments were introduce. While being on cloud you get everything installed without you having to worry about it. Every upgrade is up to date and everyone is on the same page.

1 comment:

  1. Myspace is nothing like it was when it first came out, but then Facebook kind of over took myspace.
