Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Social Media

1. How many social networking sites are you on?  If you'd like, list them.  Which do you prefer? Why?
 The social networks I use are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and well I use twitter for my CS 101 class. I used to use myspace back when it was the latest thing on the web but then it was sold and completely remodel. In the article "Yahoo Acquires Tumblr, Promises 'Not to Screw It Up" they talk on how yahoo bought trumblr and promise that nothing would change with it, which in my opinion is a good thing because it won't affect the people that use tumblr today. Not like Myspace which was change to the level that people stop using it and almost died out and that's the reason why now I prefer Facebook. Facebook is easy to see what my friends are doing and easy to communicate with friends I don't normally see.

2. What are virtual worlds?  How can they be used? What would you like to be in your virtual world?
  Virtual worlds are online communities, which user have created to talk to other people and create the environment you wish to create. In the article, "Going to the virtual office in Second Life" they talk on how big companies use it to have conference or meeting with other companies. They sit around using this worlds and instead of going somewhere you can have the meeting in your own house using these virtual world. If I created a virtual world I would like to add an environment in which is peaceful and full of natural.


  1. I feel like Facebook is constantly being changed as well. Sometimes I feel like i have many different Facebook friends, but can only see a few.

  2. I still wonder what made Myspace go "extinct." When Facebook was up and coming, Myspace tried to compete and stayed the same up until about 2009 or 2010ish. I think the real deal breaker was how much privacy Facebook gave you versus Myspace.

  3. I feel like that Facebook is slowly crippling other social websites. Myspace disappeared the moment that Facebook became popular.

  4. Google + is really growing on me. I've been using Google Drive more and more in my classes, especially when I need to collaborate with other students on documents. It makes it very easy to make quick changes. Google+ is very tightly integrated into the other Google Products. Just watch. G+ will continue to make huge improvements in the near future.
