Tuesday, November 19, 2013


What is Cyber Bullying?
Cyber Bullying can have various ways of describing it, but i think we all can agree on one. Cyber bullying is when you are hurting someone through the use of social media. In the article "Audrie Pott, Rehtaeh Parsons suicides show sexual cyber-bulling is "pervasive" and "getting worse," expert says", it talks on how young girls are being victims of rape and also cyber bullying. Besides the emotional and physical damage being done to them by being rape they are also suffer from cyber bullying. Pictures of them from the day they got rape are being post online and past on so fast to everyone they know. This causes an even more depression to them and some have come to commit suicide. Cyber bullying can really hurt someone because without people knowing that they are hurting someone they will comment or share the images,or videos, and  the victim feels like no one care, or are making fun of them and for the victims this is a very difficult situation to get out of because you are constantly being a bully and bringing up memory you wish to forget. Cyber bullying can ruin a life of someone to the extent of taking their own life away. This can cause more suffrage to the family members of the victim. So in the end cyber bullying can do some serious harm to the person being the victim and to the family member as well. 

1 comment:

  1. I think Cyber Bullying is typically done by little kids or teens with little kid’s minds. I was a victim of Cyber Bullying once in high school. I did not commit suicide because I had better sense than that. My bully was a ghetto punk that got hardcore with the keyboard, but would not face me alone. I think middle school and high school kids are so ignorant and simple minded people and they need to be educated better. They should be educated on what to do when they ever experience Cyber Bullying.
